nmap Cheatsheet¶
Default Scanning as Non-root with no Flags/Options
= nmap -sT
Default Scanning as Root with no Flags/Options
= nmap -sS
The Noisy Way¶
When to use: When you need detailed information quickly and stealth is not a concern. Consideration: This method generates a lot of traffic and is likely to be detected by IDS/IPS systems.
nmap -sT -vv -oA network-topology <ip.addr/24>
grep open network-topology.gnmap | cut -d" " -f 2 > device_list.txt
nmap -A --excludefile device_list.txt <ip.addr/24>
echo "<IP_ADDRESS>" >> device_list.txt
nmap -Pn -A -iL device_list.txt
The Quiet Way¶
When to use: When stealth is important, such as during a penetration test to avoid detection by IDS/IPS. Consideration: While quieter, stealth scans can still be detected by advanced IDS systems, especially if not properly configured.
Never run a Syn Stealth scan against an entire network - first identify hosts that are up.
Running the scan against an entire network is resource-intensive, time-consuming, and may trigger intrusion detection systems (IDS) or intrusion prevention systems (IPS) across the network; the latter of which may get your IP blocked.
Who is Up¶
When to use: To find out which hosts are up using ICMP ping. Consideration: ICMP pings can be blocked by firewalls, making this method less effective.
nmap -sn -PE -T2 <IP_ADDRESS/24>
Alternatively, ARP ping if ICMP is not available: Note: Must already be on the network to do this.
When to use: When ICMP pings are blocked or filtered. Consideration: Only works on the local network and can be noisy.
nmap -sn -PR -T2 <IP_ADDRESS/24>
nmap -sn -PA -T2 <IP_ADDRESS/24>
Stealth Scan¶
When to use: To perform a stealthy scan on specific hosts identified as up. Consideration: Though quieter than full connect scans, stealth scans can still be detected by IDS if not properly configured.
nmap -sS -Pn -T4,5,10
FIN Scan¶
When to use: Useful for bypassing stateless firewalls and packet filtering. Consideration: May not work effectively against stateful firewalls and can be detected by IDS.
nmap -sF
Save Noted IPs to a File¶
nano scan_targets.txt
Fragment the Scan to Avoid Detection and Change Source-Port¶
When to use: To evade detection by breaking the scan into smaller packets and using a common port. Consideration: Some IDS/IPS systems can reassemble fragmented packets and detect the scan, and it may cause network issues.
nmap -f --source-port 53
Scan with Decoys¶
When to use: To mask your IP address with decoys. Consideration: Using too many decoys can increase scan time and complexity, and some IDS/IPS systems can detect decoy usage.
nmap -D RND:15
UDP Scan¶
When to use: For scanning UDP ports, typically when assessing services like DNS. Consideration: UDP scans can be slow and unreliable due to the lack of a connection handshake, and many firewalls block UDP traffic.
nmap -sU -iL scan_targets.txt -oA target_data.txt
Avoid IDS with XMAS Scan¶
When to use: When you want to evade IDS that detect stealth scans. Consideration: XMAS scans may still be detected by some IDS and might not work on all targets, especially those with modern firewalls.
nmap -sX -iL scan_targets.txt -oA XMAS_data.txt
Identifying a Windows Box¶
When to use: To determine if hosts are running Windows by checking for specific Windows responses. Consideration: This scan can be noisy and detectable by IDS/IPS systems.
nmap -sA -oA ACK_results.txt
Vulnerability Scan¶
When to use: When you want to check for known vulnerabilities. Consideration: This scan can be very noisy and is likely to trigger IDS/IPS alerts.
nmap --script vuln
Malware Scan¶
When to use: To check for malware. Consideration: This scan can also be noisy and might not detect all types of malware, especially custom or advanced threats.
nmap --script malware
OS Fingerprinting¶
When to use: To determine the operating system running on the target hosts. Consideration: OS fingerprinting can be noisy and is likely to be detected by IDS/IPS systems, as it involves sending a variety of probes to elicit responses that reveal OS characteristics.
nmap -O <ip.addr>
For more details on how these scans might be detected, see NMAP OS Discovery Filters section of the Malicious Traffic Analysis post.