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Hardening a Linux Server


1. Recon First

For a CTF, Grab n Crack

Grab the Hashes for Cracking (swap out the IP)

scp root@server_ip:/etc/passwd ./passwd
scp root@server_ip:/etc/shadow ./shadow


unshadow passwd shadow > combined.txt

Run John

john combined.txt

Review and Note

john --show combined.txt

SSH in and Change Passwords

ssh root@server_ip
passwd username

Document Normal Running Processes

ps aux > processes.txt

OS Info

cat /etc/os-release

2. Least Privilege

Review Current Permissions

Audit the current user accounts, groups, and their permissions on each server.

cat /etc/passwd
getent passwd

Checking GUID/SUID files

find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null
find / -perm -2000 -type f 2>/dev/null

Checking for writeable directories

find / -type d -writable 2>/dev/null

Find writable directories in the PATH

echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | while read p; do find "$p" -writable -type d 2>/dev/null; done

Adjust Permissions

Adjust the permissions so that users and services have only the necessary rights to perform their duties. Use usermod and groupmod for this. In Windows, you can manage user permissions through the Local Users and Groups Manager or PowerShell.

Add User to a Group

sudo usermod -aG groupName username

Remove User from sudo

sudo gpasswd -d username sudo
or (for Debian/Ubuntu)
sudo deluser username sudo

Create a New Group

sudo groupadd groupName

Delete a Group

sudo groupdel groupName

Adjust Group Privileges

sudo visudo
Revoke sudo access for all members of a group by commenting out
# %groupName ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
Only allow specific commands
%groupName ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/somecommand

Modify File Permissions (Read-Only)

sudo chmod 444 /path/to/file

Modify Owner or Group

sudo chown ownerName:groupName /path/to/file

Remove or Disable Unnecessary Accounts

Identify accounts that are no longer in use or unnecessary. Use userdel on Linux or Remove-LocalUser in PowerShell for Windows to remove them. For disabling, use usermod -L on Linux or Disable-LocalUser in PowerShell for Windows.

Remove User

sudo userdel -r userName

Lock/Disable User

sudo usermod -L userName

3. Secure Remote Access

Implement Secure Protocols

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Disable SSH Root Login

Find PermitRootLogin yes and change it to no

PermitRootLogin no

Find PasswordAuthentication and make sure it says no.

PasswordAuthentication no

Ensure Public Key Authentication

PubkeyAuthentication yes

Limit Remote Access (replacing IP_ADDRESS with the actual IP address)

AllowUsers *@IP_ADDRESS
Save and exit.

Restart SSH Service

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Add/Change Port 22 to 5574

Port 5574

Restart SSH Service

sudo systemctl restart sshd

4. Firewall Configuration

Ubuntu Firewall

List Running Services for Ubuntu Firewall

sudo systemctl --type=service --state=active

Deny All Other Incoming Traffic (first make sure you've allowed all necessary services)

sudo ufw default deny incoming

Allow Essential Services

sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow 5574/tcp
sudo ufw allow <other necesary ports>

Enable UFW

sudo ufw enable

Check Status

sudo ufw status

Whitelist Team IPs

sudo ufw insert 1 allow from <team IP range>

5. Disable Unnecessary Services

systemctl disable [serviceName]
systemctl stop [serviceName]
Automated UFW Script

list_services() {
    echo "Listing running services..."
    systemctl --type=service --state=active

configure_firewall() {
    echo -e "\nConfiguring firewall rules..."
    ufw default deny incoming
    ufw default allow outgoing
    echo "Default rules set: Deny incoming, Allow outgoing."

allow_services() {
    echo -e "\nAllowing essential services..."
    # Example to allow a specific service

    while true; do
        read -p "Enter service/port to allow (or type 'done' to finish): " service
        [[ "$service" == "done" ]] && break
        ufw allow "$service"

enable_ufw() {
    echo -e "\nEnabling UFW..."
    ufw enable

check_status() {
    echo -e "\nChecking UFW status..."
    ufw status

whitelist_ips() {
    echo -e "\nWhitelisting team IPs..."
    while true; do
        read -p "Enter IP range to allow (or type 'done' to finish): " ip_range
        [[ "$ip_range" == "done" ]] && break
        ufw insert 1 allow from "$ip_range"

main() {
    echo -e "\nFirewall configuration completed."

# Execute the main function

6. Audit and Monitoring

  • Enable Logging: Ensure logging is enabled for critical services. This can often be configured within the service's configuration file or through the operating system's logging facilities.

Save Off Logs Periodically

cp /var/log/auth.log auth.log_backup
chmod 700 auth.log_backup

Compare New Logs with Old

diff /var/log/auth.log auth.log_backup 
  • Review Logs: Regularly check the logs for any signs of suspicious activity. Tools like logwatch can help. Set up Fail2Ban

7. File System Permissions

  • Review and Apply Permissions: Use chmod and chown on Linux to set the correct permissions and ownership for files and directories.
  • Use ACLs: For more granular control, utilize Access Control Lists (ACLs) with setfacl.

8. Situational Awareness

Processes running
ps -elf
Network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
netstat -pantu

To identify open ports and listening services, which can reveal services that may be vulnerable or critical to the system's operation. The -pantu options break down to show all listening (-l) and non-listening sockets (-a), TCP (-t) and UDP (-u) sockets, and the process (-p) using each socket.

Who is logged in

List of last logged-in Users


To identify recent user activity and potentially find usernames or patterns of use that could be leveraged for further access or understanding of typical system usage.

Distribution-specific OS Release Info
cat /etc/*release*

To identify the exact version of the operating system, which can be crucial for tailoring exploits to specific vulnerabilities known to exist in that version.

System Info: Kernal Version and Architecture
uname -a

Similar to /etc/*release*, but focused on the kernel and hardware level. This can identify potential vulnerabilities or compatibility for kernel-level exploits.

All Network Interfaces and Configs
/sbin/ifconfig -a

To understand the network topology, identify internal and external IP addresses, and find potential network interfaces that could be used for lateral movement or identifying hidden networks.

More Powerful Version of netstat
ss -tulpn

To identify listening ports and the applications using them. The -tulpn options specify TCP sockets (-t), UDP sockets (-u), listening sockets (-l), processes (-p), and numerical addresses (-n). This command is especially useful for identifying services and their state, which can lead to discovering vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.