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Stored XSS

Imagine a library where anyone can write in a guestbook. A stored XSS attack is like someone writing a hidden, harmful message in the guestbook that, when read, causes the reader's pen to write down their personal details on a separate sheet that the attacker can access. The readers are unaware that their information is being stolen while they are simply interacting with what they believe to be a safe guestbook.


Types of XSS

There are three main types of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities:

  1. Stored XSS: Also known as persistent XSS, this type occurs when malicious script is permanently stored on the target server, such as in a database, message forum, or comment field. The script is executed every time a user accesses the affected content.

  2. Reflected XSS: This type occurs when a malicious script is reflected off a web server, such as in an error message, search result, or any other response that includes some or all of the input sent to the server as part of the request. It is delivered to users via another route, such as an email or a web link.

  3. DOM-Based XSS: This type occurs when the vulnerability exists in the client-side code rather than the server-side code. The payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM environment in the victim's browser, causing client-side script to run differently.

Walkthrough Focus

The walkthrough provided is covering Stored XSS. In this scenario, the payload is injected into the Name parameter on the Contact page of the WordPress site using the "Participants Database" plugin. When this data is stored and subsequently displayed to users or administrators, the malicious script executes, demonstrating the persistent nature of stored XSS vulnerabilities.

Step 1: Initial Reconnaissance

Pick one.

with WPScan
wpscan --url --enumerate p

Skip to Step 3.

with Metasploit WordPress Scanner

Start by opening up msfconsole and finding the WordPress Scanner.

search wordpress scanner


use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_scanner
set rhosts

Skip to Step 3.

with Burp Suite

Start by running the target domain,, through Burp Suite to capture and analyze the traffic.

  1. Configure Browser to Use Burp Suite Proxy:

    • Set the browser's proxy settings to route traffic through Burp Suite (typically set_proxy
    • Scope the proxy to only be for the target domain. scope_proxy

Configure NordLynx on a Unifi Dream Machine


VPN slowing you down? OpenVPN is fantastic for privacy, but if you need speed, it's not the best protocol option. Enter WireGuard: lightweight and fast. That's why NordVPN's NordLynx is built on WireGuard; it's a game-changer. Setting up a VPN client on an edge router, like the Unifi Dream Machine, allows the entire network traffic to benefit so great - let's do that! There's only one problem: NordVPN doesn't currently provide easy config files.

The solution: Generate the configuration on a Linux machine and use those details to set up NordLynx on your router. This guide will walk you through the process by first installing NordVPN on a debian-based Linux VM (Parrot Security OS) and then using that configuration to set up NordLynx on a Unifi Dream Machine.

Install NordVPN and WireGuard on a Linux Machine

sudo apt install wireguard curl
sh <(curl%20-sSf%20

Initiate Login to NordVPN Account

nordvpn login

Malicious Traffic Analysis


The following is a combination of notes, research, and knowledge acquired from a malicious traffic analysis course. The focus of this post is on identifying malicious activity in Wireshark. For basic Wireshark setup and tips for filtering, check here.

Note: A good rule of thumb in terms of physical requirements is that whatever the pcap size is, you should have four times that amount of RAM available.

Lifecycle: Reconnaissance

This includes discovery as well as scanning for hosts, fingerprinting, sevices, and network mapping.

TTL-OS Table

When you ping an ip address, the Operating System can sometimes be surmised by the TTL value. The table below is from this maintained website.

Device / OS Version Protocol TTL
BSDI 3.2, 4.1 ICMP 255
Compa BSD/OS 3.1 and 4.0 ICMP 255
Cisco ICMP 64
DEC Pathworks ICMP 254
Foundry V5 TCP and UDP 30
FreeBSD 2.1R ICMP 64
FreeBSD 3.4, 4.0 TCP and UDP 64
FreeBSD 5 ICMP 255
HP-UX 9.0x ICMP 64
HP-UX 10.01 TCP and UDP 30
HP-UX 10.2 TCP and UDP 64
HP-UX 11 ICMP 255
Irix 11 ICMP 255
Irix 5.3 TCP 64
juniper 6.x TCP and UDP 60
MPE/IX (HP) 6.5.3, 6.5.8 TCP and UDP 60
Linux ICMP 255
Linux ICMP 64
Linux 2.0.x kernel ICMP 200
Linux 2.2.14 kernel ICMP 64
Linux 2.4 kernel ICMP 255
Linux Red Hat 9 ICMP 255
MacOS/MacTCP 2.0.x ICMP and TCP 64
MacOS/MacTCP X (10.5.6) TCP and UDP 60
Netgear FVG318 ICMP and UDP 64
OpenBSD 2.6 & 2.7 ICMP 255
OpenVMS 07.01.2002 ICMP 255
OS/2 TCP/IP 3.0 ICMP 64
OSF/1 V3.2A TCP 60
OSF/1 V3.2A UDP 30
Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 ICMP 255
Solaris 2.8 TCP 64
Stratus TCP_OS ICMP 255
Stratus TCP_OS (14.2-) TCP and UDP 30
Stratus TCP_OS (14.3+) TCP and UDP 64
SunOS 4.1.3/4.1.4 TCP and UDP 60
Ultrix 5.7 ICMP and TCP 255
VMS/Multinet V4.1/V4.2A TCP 60
VMS/TCPware V4.1/V4.2A UDP 30
VMS/Wollongong V4.2 – 4.5 ICMP 255
Windows TCP 128
Windows UDP 30
Windows for Workgroups TCP and UDP 128
Windows 95 TCP and UDP 32
Windows 98 ICMP 32
Windows 98, 98 SE ICMP 128
Windows 98 TCP 128
Windows NT 3.51 TCP and UDP 32
Windows NT 4.0 TCP and UDP 128
Windows NT 4.0 SP5- 32
Windows NT 4.0 SP6+ 128
Windows NT 4 WRKS SP 3, SP 6a ICMP 128
Windows NT 4 Server SP4 ICMP 128
Windows ME ICMP 128
Windows 2000 pro ICMP/TCP/UDP 128
Windows 2000 family ICMP 128
Windows Server 2003 128
Windows XP ICMP/TCP/UDP 128
Windows Vista ICMP/TCP/UDP 128
Windows 7 ICMP/TCP/UDP 128
Windows Server 2008 ICMP/TCP/UDP 128
Windows 10 ICMP/TCP/UDP 128

Display Anomalous TCP Flags

By applying the filter below, you will display packets with TCP flag combinations not included in the normal set, helping to identify potential anomalous activity.

Detect unusual TCP flag combinations:

tcp && (!(tcp.flags == 0x02 || tcp.flags == 0x12 || tcp.flags == 0x10 || tcp.flags == 0x01 || tcp.flags == 0x04 || tcp.flags == 0x18))

nmap Cheatsheet


Default Scanning as Non-root with no Flags/Options

nmap = nmap -sT

Default Scanning as Root with no Flags/Options

nmap = nmap -sS


The Noisy Way

When to use: When you need detailed information quickly and stealth is not a concern.
Consideration: This method generates a lot of traffic and is likely to be detected by IDS/IPS systems.

nmap -sT -vv -oA network-topology <ip.addr/24>
Grab our list of open IPs:
grep open network-topology.gnmap | cut -d" " -f 2 > device_list.txt
Rescan network aggressively for additional IPs at the exclusion of our open IP list:
nmap -A --excludefile device_list.txt <ip.addr/24>
Add any additional IPs found to the list:
echo "<IP_ADDRESS>" >> device_list.txt
Now rerun scan of the found IPs aggressively, but remove the ping as we no longer need to discover hosts:
nmap -Pn -A -iL device_list.txt

Solving for Silicon


During Apple's transition to ARM architecture, there were significant challenges with VM compatibility due to the differences between ARM and x86 architectures. While ARM Assembly has been prevalent in devices like Raspberry Pis and other IoT devices, its introduction to personal computers like desktops and laptops is relatively recent. This transition prompted many cybersecurity and IT educational institutions to adapt their VM labs. To address compatibility issues, some institutions shifted from using downloadable .ISO files to web-based environments, utilizing tools like Cockpit and KVM for easier management and deployment of virtual machines. However, not all institutions have made this shift, necessitating a different solution for this student. Switching to a PC was not an option so I decided to host my VMs on a server connected to my local network.

Initially, I tried using Cockpit and KVM, but the setup didn't meet my needs. The web browser interface didn't provide enough screen real estate, and I wanted the ability to have separate VMs that could each be full-screen workspaces, not confined to the browser. I needed something more robust—a type 1 hypervisor.

I had loved using VMWare Fusion, but the Broadcom takeover turned me away. The customer experience for downloading any VMWare tools/products was frustratingly difficult. Thus, ESXi was not an option. Eventually, I landed on Proxmox—an open-source type 1 hypervisor that operates similarly to ESXi but without the headaches. Below is the process for installing the system and links to each of the VMs I chose to add to my lab environment with their individual setups.

Installing and Setting up Proxmox VE

Step 1: Download and Flash Proxmox VE

Web Server Setup



The following guide provides a walkthrough for setting up a web server on a local network using Nginx. This guide assumes you are using Ubuntu or another debian-based flavor of Linux as your operating system.

Step 1: Install Nginx

Before we start, make sure to update your package manager:

sudo apt update

Next, install Nginx:

sudo apt install nginx

Once the installation is complete, check the status of Nginx:

sudo systemctl status nginx

Ensure Nginx is running. You should see output indicating that the service is active (running).

Verify that port 80 (the default HTTP port) is open:

netstat -ant

Airgeddon: Setup & Use Walkthrough


Airgeddon is essentially a Swiss Army knife for wireless network auditing, without the risk of nicking your fingers. It's a multi-use bash script that does everything from monitoring to cracking Wi-Fi networks, offering several tools wrapped in one streamlined interface. Trusting your network security to luck is like using a paper umbrella in a hurricane— optimistic, but impractical. This post will focus on the use of Airgeddon to poke at your Wi-Fi networks and then implement more secure practices that will harden your Wi-Fi, saving the paper umbrella for a mai tai.

This covers the setup of Airgeddon in a Docker container and the usage of various plugins to enhance your wireless network testing and auditing capabilities. Ensure to follow legal and ethical guidelines while using these tools.

Git Hub Repo

Essential Tools

1. Install Docker:

Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system.

2. Optional: Create a Custom Dockerfile (if you want to customize the image):
  • Create directory

    mkdir airgeddon-docker && cd airgeddon-docker

  • Create Dockerfile:

    FROM kalilinux/kali-rolling
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get install -y git iw net-tools wireless-tools aircrack-ng reaver macchanger mdk3 gpsd kismet
    RUN git clone /opt/airgeddon
    WORKDIR /opt/airgeddon
    ENTRYPOINT ["./"]

Log Server Setup Using rsyslog

The following is a basic setup for implementing rsyslog on your local network. Setting up logging is highly specific to a specific user/network needs so this is just to get started and consider some basic security best practices.


Server-side Configuration

Grab server IP address and add to client's /etc/hosts file

sudo echo " syslog-server" >> /etc/hosts

Install rsyslog

sudo apt install rsyslog

Get Info

rsyslog -v
systemctl status rsyslog

Creating a Custom Shell

Customizing Zsh

Customizing my shell significantly enhanced my productivity, made my workflow more efficient and made content more readable. With a tailored shell environment, you can streamline tasks, reduce repetitive actions, and access powerful features that improve your overall user experience. In this walkthrough, I'll be going through the steps I took to set up a customized Zsh shell using zinit as the plugin manager.


1. Install zsh

If you don't already have zsh installed, you can install it using your package manager.

macOS, use Homebrew:
brew install zsh
sudo apt install zsh autojump git

2. Set zsh as the Default Shell

Set zsh as default shell:
chsh -s $(which zsh)

3. Install zinit

zinit is a plugin manager for zsh that makes it easy to manage and load plugins.

Download and install zinit:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

4. Configure zsh with zinit and Oh My zsh

Create or edit your .zshrc file to configure zinit and load Oh My zsh:

vi ~/.zshrc
Add content to the file:
# Load zinit
source ~/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh

#  On a Linux box, you won't need this next line, but if you're on macOS, you may need to source autojump so you can uncomment this: 
# [[ -s /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/ ]] && source /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/

# Load Oh My zsh
zinit light ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh

# Load the theme
zinit light romkatv/powerlevel10k

# Load plugins
zinit light zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
zinit light zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
zinit light zsh-users/zsh-completions
zinit light hcgraf/zsh-sudo
zinit light wting/autojump
zinit light ael-code/zsh-colored-man-pages

CLI Random Tips


Adding Commands

When you download an application using wget, you can add it to your command directory rather than updating your PATH variable.

Extract Application from tarball if necessary:
List the contents of the directory to see the exact name of the applicaiton.
Install the application where it belongs.
install APPLICATION-NAME /usr/local/bin

Forgetting Sudo

It turns out this is such a common occurance, there's a shortcut for when it happens. Rather than punching that up arrow, CTRL+A to the beginning, you can just sudo !! and it will apply sudo to whatever your last command was.

sudo !!

Read the Error Message!

This sounds like common sense, but it turns out that I'm not alone in sometimes getting caught up in what I thought the error was that if I'd just read the error output, it would have led me to the issue quicker.

Pipe Output to vim -

If you don't know where you want to put the output of a command yet

grep -Hnri "chacho" | vim -
This opens the output of the command in vim where you can edit it or you can use :%! to run the output back through another command:
:%!grep -v sushi