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ICS Protocols


This is just a short primer on 12 common protocols used in various industrial control systems (ICS). The goal of this entry is just to get a quick at-a-glance understanding of what the protocol is used for and why/how indicators of compromise might be identified in a system that has been attacked.

1. Modbus

  • Introduction: Used in industrial control systems like manufacturing, water treatment, and energy for communication between devices such as PLCs and sensors/actuators.
  • Overview: A simple, open serial protocol operating over serial lines (Modbus RTU) or TCP/IP networks (Modbus TCP).
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unexpected traffic from unauthorized IP addresses.
    • Unusual function codes in Modbus packets.
    • High frequency of commands indicating reconnaissance or brute-force attempts.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: Intercepting and altering messages.
    • Unauthorized Commands: Sending malicious commands to change configurations or disable processes.
    • Replay Attacks: Capturing and replaying messages to disrupt operations.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • MitM Attack: Altering commands to change a pump's setpoint.
    • Unauthorized Commands: Sending Function Code 5 (Write Single Coil) or Function Code 6 (Write Single Register).
    • Replay Attack: Replaying captured traffic to repeat commands.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Detect Unauthorized Commands:

    modbus.func_code == 5 || modbus.func_code == 6
    Useful to identify potentially malicious commands that could alter device configurations.

  • High Frequency of Commands:

    modbus && frame.time_delta < 0.1
    Useful for detecting a high volume of commands that could indicate a brute-force attack.

  • Unexpected Source/Destination IPs:

    ip.src != {expected_ip} && ip.dst == {modbus_device_ip}
    Useful to identify traffic from unauthorized IPs targeting Modbus devices.

2. DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol 3)

  • Introduction: Used in critical infrastructure like electricity and water utilities for communication between master stations, RTUs, and IEDs.
  • Overview: Designed for long-distance and unreliable network communication.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Traffic outside expected communication paths.
    • High volume of unsolicited responses or unexpected function codes.
    • Frequent status changes or unexpected resets of devices.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Buffer Overflow: Causing denial of service or executing arbitrary code.
    • Device State Manipulation: Sending unauthorized commands.
    • Protocol Fuzzing: Sending malformed packets.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Buffer Overflow: Exploiting vulnerabilities to crash devices.
    • Device State Manipulation: Changing control points.
    • Protocol Fuzzing: Finding vulnerabilities.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Detect Abnormal DNP3 Traffic:

    dnp3 && !(dnp3.src == {trusted_ip} || dnp3.dst == {trusted_ip})
    Useful to identify unauthorized communication involving DNP3 devices.

  • Identify Unexpected Function Codes:

    dnp3.func_code == 3 || dnp3.func_code == 5 || dnp3.func_code == 6
    Useful for spotting function codes not typically used in the environment.

  • Detect Malformed Packets:

    dnp3 && frame.len > {expected_length}
    Useful to identify packets that suggest buffer overflow attempts or fuzzing.

3. IEC 60870-5-104

  • Introduction: IEC 60870-5-104 is used in the energy sector for telecontrol, providing communication between control centers and substations in SCADA systems.
  • Overview: A protocol for remote control and monitoring in utilities.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Abnormal command sequences or unexpected function codes.
    • Unexpected disconnections or reconnections.
    • Unusual packet sizes or patterns.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Replay and Injection Attacks: Manipulating states.
    • Denial of Service (DoS): Flooding networks with traffic.
    • Command Manipulation: Sending unauthorized commands.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Replay Attack: Replaying control commands.
    • DoS: Overwhelming devices with commands.
    • Command Manipulation: Altering settings.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Detect Unusual Command Sequences:

    iec104 && !(iec104.ioa == {expected_ioa})
    Useful to identify abnormal or unauthorized commands being sent.

  • Identify Unexpected Disconnections:

    tcp.flags.reset == 1 && ip.dst == {iec_device_ip}
    Useful to detect tampering or network disruptions.

  • Detect Malformed Data Packets:

    iec104 && (frame.len < {expected_length} || frame.len > {expected_length})
    Useful for identifying abnormal packet sizes.

4. OPC (OLE for Process Control)

  • Introduction: Used in industrial automation for data exchange, providing interoperability between control devices and software platforms, particularly in manufacturing and process control.
  • Overview: Facilitates communication between various software and hardware systems; OPC-UA is the secure version.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unusual traffic patterns between OPC servers and clients.
    • Unauthorized access attempts or configuration changes.
    • Unexpected server shutdowns.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Credential Theft: Stealing credentials to manipulate OPC servers.
    • MitM Attacks: Modifying data exchanges.
    • DoS Attacks: Exploiting server vulnerabilities.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Credential Theft: Extracting credentials from captured traffic.
    • MitM Attacks: Disrupting communication or injecting commands.
    • DoS: Flooding servers with requests.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Unauthorized Access Attempts:

    opcua && !(opcua.request_id in {expected_request_ids})
    Useful to detect attempts to access OPC servers with unauthorized request IDs.

  • Unexpected Server Communication:

    opcua && (ip.src != {trusted_ip} || ip.dst != {trusted_ip})
    Useful to identify unexpected communication patterns indicating a possible MitM attack.

  • High Volume of Requests:

    opcua && frame.time_delta < 0.1
    Useful for detecting DoS attempts by identifying a large number of requests in a short time frame.

5. MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus)

  • Introduction: Used in railways for communication between train subsystems (e.g., engines, brakes, doors) and is part of the Train Communication Network (TCN).
  • Overview: Ensures data exchange within train vehicles for various components.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unexpected or malformed MVB messages.
    • High error rates or communication faults.
    • Abnormal device resets or status changes.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Data Injection: Manipulating train functions.
    • DoS Attacks: Disrupting communication.
    • Firmware Manipulation: Exploiting firmware vulnerabilities.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Data Injection: Sending malicious messages to alter train commands.
    • DoS: Flooding the network to cause failures.
    • Firmware Manipulation: Introducing malicious behavior.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Unexpected Messages:

    mvb && !(mvb.src_address == {expected_address})
    Useful to detect communication from unknown sources within the train network.

  • High Traffic Volume:

    mvb && frame.time_delta < 0.05
    Useful for identifying excessive traffic that could indicate a DoS attack.

  • Abnormal Error Rates:

    mvb.error_count > {threshold}
    Useful to detect high error rates that could signal protocol manipulation or faulty devices.

6. Ethernet/IP

  • Introduction: Used in industrial environments for real-time communication between controllers, actuators, and other devices.
  • Overview: Utilizes standard Ethernet for industrial automation networks.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Traffic from unknown IP addresses.
    • High frequency of connection requests or error messages.
    • Changes in network configurations or unauthorized firmware updates.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • MitM Attacks: Intercepting and altering packets.
    • Remote Code Execution: Exploiting vulnerabilities in devices.
    • Unauthorized Access: Exploiting weak credentials.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • MitM Attacks: Injecting commands or disrupting communication.
    • Remote Code Execution: Using known vulnerabilities to access devices.
    • Unauthorized Access: Manipulating devices via default credentials.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Unauthorized Device Communication: plaintext enip && (ip.src != {trusted_ip} || ip.dst != {trusted_ip}) Useful to detect communication from unauthorized devices.

  • High Volume of Traffic:

    enip && frame.time_delta < 0.1
    Useful for identifying potential DoS attacks due to a high number of requests.

  • Malicious Commands:

    enip.command in {unauthorized_command_set}
    Useful to detect command types that are not authorized within the environment.

7. GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway)

  • Introduction: A wireless communication standard for railways, used for secure voice and data communication between train drivers and control centers.
  • Overview: Ensures secure and reliable communication in railway operations.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unauthorized devices on the network.
    • Anomalous signaling messages or unexpected traffic patterns.
    • Communication interference or unauthorized call attempts.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Eavesdropping: Intercepting communications.
    • Jamming: Disrupting communication channels.
    • SIM Cloning and Spoofing: Gaining unauthorized access.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Eavesdropping: Using rogue base stations to capture communications.
    • Jamming: Using RF interference to disrupt signals.
    • SIM Cloning: Spoofing devices to gain network access.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Unauthorized Device Connections:

    gsm_map && gsm_map.imsi != {authorized_imsi}
    Useful for detecting unauthorized devices trying to connect to the GSM-R network.

  • Unexpected Traffic Patterns:

    gsm_sms && !(gsm_sms.ota_message in {expected_message_set})
    Useful for identifying traffic that does not match expected operational patterns.

  • Unusual Signaling Messages:

    gsm_a && gsm_a.cm_service_type != {expected_type}
    Useful to spot unexpected signaling activities that could indicate an attack.

8. CBTC (Communication-Based Train Control)

  • Introduction: A signaling protocol for real-time train control, providing precise positioning, speed control, and communication with central control.
  • Overview: Used in modern rail signaling for automation and control.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Irregular positioning and speed data.
    • Communication faults or anomalies.
    • Abnormal train behavior like sudden stops or acceleration.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Spoofing: Sending false data to control systems.
    • DoS Attacks: Disrupting communication.
    • Data Manipulation: Altering speed or positioning data.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Spoofing: Sending false positioning data to mislead control systems.
    • DoS: Overwhelming control communication.
    • Data Manipulation: Forcing trains into unsafe conditions.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Anomalous Positioning Data:

    cbtc && cbtc.position_data != {expected_data}
    Useful for detecting false data being sent to control systems.

  • Unusual Control Commands:

    cbtc && cbtc.command_type != {expected_command}
    Useful to identify unauthorized control commands that could indicate an attack.

  • Excessive Traffic:

    cbtc && frame.time_delta < 0.1
    Useful for detecting potential DoS attacks due to excessive traffic.

9. BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks)

  • Introduction: Used in building automation systems, such as HVAC, lighting, and access control, to facilitate communication between different building control devices.
  • Overview: A protocol for integrating and managing various building systems.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unauthorized access attempts to controllers.
    • Unusual changes in system configurations.
    • Unexpected traffic to/from devices.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Unauthorized Access: Using default or weak credentials.
    • Command Injection: Sending malicious commands.
    • Network Scanning: Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Unauthorized Access: Gaining control over building systems.
    • Command Injection: Altering HVAC or security settings.
    • Network Scanning: Identifying devices for exploitation.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:

    • Unexpected Traffic:
      bacnet && !(bacnet.src == {trusted_ip})
      Useful to detect traffic from unauthorized sources targeting BACnet devices.
  • Unauthorized Commands:

    bacnet && bacnet.pdu_type == 4
    Useful for identifying unauthorized commands being sent to devices.

  • Network Scanning Indicators:

    bacnet && frame.time_delta < 0.05
    Useful for spotting rapid traffic indicative of scanning activities.

10. HL7 (Health Level Seven)

  • Introduction: A standard for electronic data exchange in healthcare environments, used to integrate medical devices and systems for patient data exchange.
  • Overview: Facilitates communication between various medical systems and devices.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Anomalous HL7 messages or unauthorized access attempts.
    • Unexpected changes in patient data or medical records.
    • Unusual traffic to/from HL7 servers.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Data Manipulation: Altering patient data.
    • Unauthorized Access: Exploiting weak authentication.
    • DoS Attacks: Sending malformed messages.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Data Manipulation: Intercepting and altering messages.
    • Unauthorized Access: Gaining access to medical data.
    • DoS: Crashing hospital systems with malformed messages.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:

    • Anomalous HL7 Messages:
      hl7 && !(hl7.message_type == {expected_type})
      Useful to identify unexpected message types that could indicate tampering.
  • Unauthorized Access Attempts:

    hl7 && != {expected_security_token}
    Useful to detect attempts to bypass security controls.

  • Unexpected Traffic Patterns:

    hl7 && frame.time_delta < 0.1
    Useful for identifying traffic anomalies that may indicate an attack.

11. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)

  • Introduction: For managing and transmitting medical imaging data across hospital networks.
  • Overview: Standardizes communication for medical imaging devices and systems.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unauthorized access attempts to servers or storage.
    • Unusual image requests or downloads.
    • Anomalies in medical imaging files.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Data Theft: Accessing patient images.
    • Malware Distribution: Embedding malware in DICOM files.
    • Data Manipulation: Altering medical imaging data.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Data Theft: Unauthorized downloads of medical images.
    • Malware Distribution: Compromising devices via DICOM files.
    • Data Manipulation: Affecting diagnosis or treatment.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:
  • Unauthorized Access Attempts:

    dicom && dicom.assoc_ac != {expected_association}
    Useful for detecting unauthorized attempts to connect to DICOM servers.

  • Unexpected Image Transfers:

    dicom && dicom.pdu_type == 0x01 && ip.src != {trusted_ip}
    Useful for spotting unusual image transfers from unexpected sources.

  • Malformed DICOM Files:

    dicom && frame.len > {expected_length}
    Useful for identifying anomalies in DICOM files that may indicate manipulation.

12. LonWorks

  • Introduction: A protocol used in building automation for controlling functions like HVAC, lighting, and security.
  • Overview: Designed for communication between building systems and control networks.
  • Indicators of Compromise:
    • Unusual device behavior or control changes.
    • Unauthorized traffic to LonWorks devices.
    • Frequent device resets or reboots.
  • Exploitation Methods:
    • Unauthorized Access: Exploiting weak security configurations.
    • Command Injection: Sending malicious commands.
    • Firmware Exploitation: Compromising device firmware.
  • Potential Attack Examples:
    • Unauthorized Access: Controlling building systems via weak credentials.
    • Command Injection: Disrupting building operations.
    • Firmware Exploitation: Gaining control over critical functions.
  • Display Filter Suggestions:

    • Unexpected Device Communication:

      lonworks && ip.src != {trusted_ip}
      Useful for detecting unauthorized traffic targeting LonWorks devices.

    • Unauthorized Commands:

      lonworks && lonworks.command_code != {expected_command}
      Useful to identify commands that are not part of normal operations.

    • High Frequency of Commands:

      lonworks && frame.time_delta < 0.1
      Useful for spotting rapid command sequences that could indicate malicious activity.