Juice Shop Web App


OWASP Juice Shop is an intentionally vulnerable web application created by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) for security training purposes. It simulates a real-world e-commerce site, allowing users to explore and exploit various security vulnerabilities in a safe environment. Key features include:

  1. Wide Range of Vulnerabilities: Juice Shop covers the entire OWASP Top 10, as well as other common security flaws, offering a comprehensive learning experience.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: Despite being intentionally vulnerable, the application has a realistic and user-friendly interface, making it accessible for beginners and useful for experienced testers.

  3. Gamified Learning: It incorporates a gamification aspect where users can track their progress and achievements as they discover and exploit different vulnerabilities.

  4. Extensive Documentation: Juice Shop comes with extensive documentation, tutorials, and guides to help users understand the vulnerabilities and learn how to mitigate them.

  5. Open Source: As an open-source project, it encourages community contributions and is freely available for anyone to use and modify.

  1. Broken Access Control:
  2. Test: Attempt to access unauthorized pages or functionalities by manipulating URLs, using different user roles, or changing request parameters.
  3. Example: As a low-privileged user, try to access an admin page by directly entering the URL (/admin).

  4. Cryptographic Failures:

  5. Test: Inspect the application's use of encryption and hashing algorithms. Look for the use of weak algorithms or improper implementation.
  6. Example: Check if sensitive data, such as passwords, are stored using weak hash functions like MD5 instead of stronger options like bcrypt.

  7. Injection:

  8. Test: Insert malicious code into input fields to see if it's executed by the server. This includes SQL, NoSQL, OS, and LDAP injection.
  9. Example: Enter '; DROP TABLE users; -- into a login form to test for SQL injection.

  10. Insecure Design:

  11. Test: Review the application architecture and design documents for security flaws. Perform threat modeling to identify design weaknesses.
  12. Example: Assess if sensitive data is adequately protected throughout its lifecycle (e.g., encryption in transit and at rest).

  13. Security Misconfiguration:

  14. Test: Verify the configuration settings of servers, databases, and applications. Check for default accounts, open ports, and unnecessary services.
  15. Example: Use tools like Nmap to scan for open ports and identify if unnecessary services are exposed.

  16. Vulnerable and Outdated Components:

  17. Test: Identify all third-party libraries and components used by the application. Check their versions against known vulnerabilities databases.
  18. Example: Use tools like OWASP Dependency-Check or Snyk to scan for vulnerable dependencies.

  19. Identification and Authentication Failures:

  20. Test: Evaluate the authentication mechanisms. Attempt brute force attacks, session hijacking, and other techniques to bypass authentication.
  21. Example: Test password complexity requirements and rate limits on login attempts to prevent brute force attacks.

  22. Software and Data Integrity Failures:

  23. Test: Check the integrity of software updates and data. Verify the use of digital signatures and other integrity mechanisms.
  24. Example: Analyze the update mechanism to ensure updates are signed and verified before installation.

  25. Security Logging and Monitoring Failures:

  26. Test: Review the logging and monitoring configuration. Ensure that security events are logged and monitored properly.
  27. Example: Attempt actions that should trigger alerts (e.g., multiple failed login attempts) and check if they are logged and generate alerts.

  28. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF):

    • Test: Manipulate URLs in requests to see if the server can be tricked into fetching data from internal systems or unauthorized locations.
    • Example: Modify a URL parameter to access internal services (e.g., changing http://external.com/resource to http://localhost/admin).